UFT/QTP – Object Identification

UFT performs actions on the objects of an application by learning and identifying the objects in the application. The Process of uniquely identifying an object from the application is called as object identification.

UFT uses two modes of object identification to recognize the objects uniquely.

  • Normal Identification
  • Smart Identification

Normal Identification – This is a default object identification mode in this mode UFT has two list of properties based on which it will identify the object. First list is the mandatory properties. UFT learns these default properties values and checks if any object matches the description. If object not found uniquely in the application  it adds properties from the second list called as assistive properties. Assistive properties added one by one till an unique object is not identified.

“Mandatory properties are properties that UFT always learns for a particular test object class.”

Assistive properties are properties that UFT learns only if the mandatory properties are not sufficient to identify unique object” Read More